411 players
150 votes
15 clicks
46 servers
Ranking resets in 9 days


Rules of the top and servers

1. Terms of use of TopMinecraft

  • All Minecraft servers are welcomed on the condition of being available at any moment
  • It is not allowed to automate votes by any possible way
  • It is forbidden to add a service that is not a Minecraft server
  • It is forbidden to add a Minecraft server that you do not own
  • It is forbidden to add the same Minecraft server more than once
  • A user can vote for a server every 1h30
  • Only players from your server are allowed to vote
  • Displaying the voting page in an iframe is not allowed
  • The thumbnail, title and description should not be obscene, random or innapropriate
  • Your username and profile picture should not be obscene or innapropriate
  • If we determine that you use any kind of player spoofing software, we can decide to remove online players display from your server
  • Your email address must be valid and not disposable
  • It is forbidden to automate or bypass the vote cooldown by any possible way (proxy, vpn, clickfarms, paid humans...
  • Any violation of one of these rules might lead to your account and all associated servers being definitely suspended