411 players
276 votes
41 clicks
56 servers
Ranking resets in 13 days
Detox Network
Players 0 / 0
  • Version 1.19 and +
  • 0 Votes
  • 0 Clicks
  • Vote
  • Age: 2 years 0 months
  • Created the: 01/2023
  • Edited the: 03/2024

Detox Network

Server description

Detox is a Minecraft economy server with custom plugins and features, cosmetics and an established player base. We have two servers focusing on different aspects of economy.

A pure economy server with land claims, baltop, PVE, keep inventory on and a GUI shop.

The server features player shops, where players can buy a small plot with in-game money and sell any in-game items they wish. Both servers also feature player warps where individual players can host a public farm or building that other players can enter and make us of.