411 players
275 votes
41 clicks
56 servers
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Minecraft Servers

Minecraft servers Hardcore

Are you looking for a Minecraft Hardcore server? Check out our complete list that references many servers. They are sorted by popularity, but you can refine your search with our filter rules: change the display order, by number of players or by registration date. Specify the desired version of Minecraft Hardcore, or, choose if you want to play on a server with a launcher. A concentrate of Minecraft Hardcore servers updated in real time, waiting for you.

  • 2 listed servers
Players 0 +
Serizon Network
0 votes
0 clicks
19/500 players
v1.18 and +
Serizon Network

Looking for THE Minecraft Server to play? Dont search any longer, because we got you covered! Enjoy either Survival (SMP) or Lifesteal on Minecraft 1.18.2 with beautiful builds and exciting features. Never be bored playing Minecraft again, we focus on regularly bringing new content and keeping the community engaged. Bedrock Crossplay included, bring your friends on any device to play together with you!

Anarchy MC Project Minecraft Server Anarchy on New Version Game!
0 votes
0 clicks
0/0 players
v1.19 and +
 Anarchy MC Project  Minecraft Server Anarchy on New Version Game!

Anarchy MC Project О нас: наш проект существует с августа 2022 года. Почему мы рекомендуем выбрать нас? - Наш сервер работает 24/7, у самого создателя сервера есть своя хост-машина. И поэтому вам не придется беспокоиться о потере игровых данных. Вы можете спокойно развиваться и...

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