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Minecraft Servers

Minecraft servers PVP Faction

Are you looking for a Minecraft PVP Faction server? Check out our complete list that references many servers. They are sorted by popularity, but you can refine your search with our filter rules: change the display order, by number of players or by registration date. Specify the desired version of Minecraft PVP Faction, or, choose if you want to play on a server with a launcher. A concentrate of Minecraft PVP Faction servers updated in real time, waiting for you.

  • 5 listed servers
Players 0 +
MineMalia Network SMP | Minigames | Duels | Lot more!
0 votes
0 clicks
285/286 players
v1.9 and +
MineMalia Network SMP | Minigames | Duels | Lot more!

Survival, lifesteal, factions, prison, creative, skyblock, oneblock, kitpvp, skywars, bedwars, practice pvp, duels and arcade are our current gamemodes. A parkour server is releasing in the coming weeks! Each gamemode is packed with features to create a superb and extensive gameplay. Almost all gamemodes are using one of the latest minecraft versions, so the features are endless!

Konnie SMP
0 votes
0 clicks
0/0 players
Konnie SMP

Welcome All Members

Next Shinobi Legends
0 votes
0 clicks
0/0 players
Next Shinobi Legends

Next Shinobi Legends is a RP and PVP server based off the Naruto anime. We have custom coded spells/jutsu and other custom coded plugins. You will be pleased to know we also have a texture pack available when you join and our map is a 1:1 replica from the anime with tons of fun PVE events like quests and custom mobs around the world. There is NO mods required. Simply join and play. We have a full time staff that have volunteer on the server, come join and...

0 votes
0 clicks
0/0 players
v1.19 and +

toto je survival a pvp server všech druhu tak nevahej a join now!

0 votes
0 clicks
0/0 players

Português: Bem-vindo ao nosso servidor de Minecraft 1.19.2 - um MMORPG brasileiro único! Explore um mundo vasto e dinâmico, repleto de desafios emocionantes, dungeons misteriosas e criaturas lendárias. Nossa comunidade vibrante e acolhedora está pronta para recebê-lo em uma jornada épica onde a sobrevivência encontra a narrativa. Desenvolvemos uma experiência única com mecânicas de MMORPG, missões cativantes e um sistema econômico robusto. Junte-se a nós para construir, lutar e...

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