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Minecraft Servers

Minecraft servers Semi-RP

Are you looking for a Minecraft Semi-RP server? Check out our complete list that references many servers. They are sorted by popularity, but you can refine your search with our filter rules: change the display order, by number of players or by registration date. Specify the desired version of Minecraft Semi-RP, or, choose if you want to play on a server with a launcher. A concentrate of Minecraft Semi-RP servers updated in real time, waiting for you.

  • 6 listed servers
Players 0 +
1 votes
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0/0 players

Português: Bem-vindo ao nosso servidor de Minecraft 1.19.2 - um MMORPG brasileiro único! Explore um mundo vasto e dinâmico, repleto de desafios emocionantes, dungeons misteriosas e criaturas lendárias. Nossa comunidade vibrante e acolhedora está pronta para recebê-lo em uma jornada épica onde a sobrevivência encontra a narrativa. Desenvolvemos uma experiência única com mecânicas de MMORPG, missões cativantes e um sistema econômico robusto. Junte-se a nós para construir, lutar e...

Nova Antares
0 votes
0 clicks
0/0 players
v1.19 and +
Nova Antares

Bienvenue sur Nova Antares, le serveur Minecraft offrant une expérience unique ! Ici, vous pouvez vous aventurer dans un vaste univers où les possibilités sont infinies. Dans ce monde, les joueurs peuvent explorer et coloniser l'espace. Prenez les commandes d'un vaisseau spatial et partez à la découverte d'autres planètes, d'astéroïdes et de mystérieuses lunes. Bâtissez des colonies, exploitez des ressources extraterrestres et développez votre propre empire intergalactique. Si...

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Next Shinobi Legends
0 votes
1 clicks
0/0 players
Next Shinobi Legends

Next Shinobi Legends is a RP and PVP server based off the Naruto anime. We have custom coded spells/jutsu and other custom coded plugins. You will be pleased to know we also have a texture pack available when you join and our map is a 1:1 replica from the anime with tons of fun PVE events like quests and custom mobs around the world. There is NO mods required. Simply join and play. We have a full time staff that have volunteer on the server, come join and...

Traps Community
0 votes
0 clicks
0/0 players
v1.19 and +
Traps Community

Únete a la comunidad gamer de Traps Community en el nuevo servidor de supervivencia y rpg para la comunidad hispanohablante. - Disfruta de nuevos bloques, items, comidas y mas; sin descargar mods - Funda tu propia ciudad y conviértete en millonario - La mejor protección anti-robos y anti-grifeos - Misiones sorprendentes - Nuevos bosses para luchar - Mundo creativo para construir - LGBT Friendly

LandCraft MC
0 votes
0 clicks
0/0 players
v1.8 and +
LandCraft MC

this is a lifesteal smp where u can Play with friends or just chill or make new friends and we just released Season 2

0 votes
0 clicks
0/0 players
v1.19 and +

(VERSION) - 1.20.6 - Well the concept is actually quite simple. Enchants have been unlocked, its limits shattered and broken. This server is a long term experiment (possibly permanent if things turn out well). The goal is to test the limits of minecraft's enchantability. Things like head drops, silk touch spawners, aurelium skills, better teams, land claim and buffs to vanilla mobs have been added for additional flavor. Team with friends or go it alone, forge your own civilization, it's up to...

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