411 players
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45 clicks
53 servers
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Minecraft Servers

Minecraft servers Creative

Are you looking for a Minecraft Creative server? Check out our complete list that references many servers. They are sorted by popularity, but you can refine your search with our filter rules: change the display order, by number of players or by registration date. Specify the desired version of Minecraft Creative, or, choose if you want to play on a server with a launcher. A concentrate of Minecraft Creative servers updated in real time, waiting for you.

  • 3 listed servers
Players 0 +
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0/0 players


Explorer's Eden: A Realm Recrafted
0 votes
0 clicks
0/0 players
v1.19 and +
Explorer's Eden: A Realm Recrafted

Dive into a captivating Minecraft SMP experience with Explorer's Eden: A Realm Recrafted. Choose from one of 8 unique heritages - Dunesworn, Frostborne, Endling, Netherian, Oakhearted, Turtlekin, Orebringer, and Moonshroud - each offering distinct abilities and lore to enrich your adventure. Our small but welcoming server is the perfect place to relax and immerse yourself in the game, free from microtransactions and pay-to-win schemes. Enjoy a truly player-focused environment with unique...

Traps Community
0 votes
0 clicks
0/0 players
v1.19 and +
Traps Community

Únete a la comunidad gamer de Traps Community en el nuevo servidor de supervivencia y rpg para la comunidad hispanohablante. - Disfruta de nuevos bloques, items, comidas y mas; sin descargar mods - Funda tu propia ciudad y conviértete en millonario - La mejor protección anti-robos y anti-grifeos - Misiones sorprendentes - Nuevos bosses para luchar - Mundo creativo para construir - LGBT Friendly

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